Cursos Robert Coelen

Creating an Institutional Internationalisation Strategy

Robert Coelen

A definition that focuses on internationalisation of the university has been around for quite some time and consists of adding a global, international, or intercultural dimension to the functions of post-secondary education. What actually happens at universities encompasses a great range of activities that may or may not be coordinated, or even act in a synergistic way. Where does one start to create a university wide-strategy that is impactful and delivers on what it promises. What is needed in the way of organisational structures, what choices are there, and how do they influence the university’s response to globalisation? In this course participants gain the ability to create a university strategy for internationalisation set in the context of their particular environment. This includes the ability to monitor progress towards a successful institutional internationalisation strategy. Topics covered will include rationales for internationalisation, the link between rationales and activities, leadership, organisation, resources, and measurement and evaluation of the process and outcomes.


Student-centred Internationalisation

Robert Coelen

These days many universities promise to deliver graduates who are global citizens. Graduates who can manifest themselves in an appropriate and positive way, regardless of the cultural context. The question is whether these statements are just laudable aims or whether they have actually been delivered upon? Have graduates achieved the necessary learning outcomes to be able to do and know what is required to possess these characteristics? Indeed, most institutions profess to work in a student-centred way, but oftentimes a thorough consideration of the teaching and learning environment shows that there is much more that can be gained to make learning truly student-centred. The attributes that graduates should possess upon leaving university, apart from disciplinary knowledge, include those related to internationalisation as a part of 21st century skills. This course will look at critical elements of student-centred teaching and learning and show how good practice will not only demonstrate that students will achieve these outcomes, but offer a way to embed learning outcomes related to internationalisation as a normal part of redefining the curriculum. Participants of this course will be able to apply principles of student-centred learning in their own institutions to achieve the desired learning outcomes of internationalisation.


Características de un curso

Duración de un curso: El entrenamiento toma lugar durante dos semanas. 
Cupo de un curso: Hasta 20 participantes de UNA institución. 
Modalidad: En línea a través de la plataforma USMEXFUSION Academy

La estructura del curso:

1. La capacitación comienza con una primera presentación virtual EN VIVO con preguntas y respuestas (1.5 a 2 horas). Después de la sesión en vivo, el experto compartirá con los participantes dos lecturas (mínimo).

2. Tres días después de la primera sesión virtual, según el contenido y la dirección de dicha discusión en vivo, el/la experto/a determina las preguntas que formularía en tres foros de discusión. Luego, él/ella daría aproximadamente una semana para que los participantes agreguen a los foros a partir de estimular las discusiones y responder cuando sea necesario.

3. Una vez que se cierren los foros, se programa una segunda presentación virtual EN VIVO para que el/la experto/a aborde los puntos principales de los foros y siga una discusión abierta con los participantes. Esta segunda discusión EN VIVO tiene lugar hacia el final de la segunda semana de entrenamiento.


Costo por un curso (Esta cantidad fija incluye hasta 20 participantes de la institución que paga por el curso.)

Contacte a para un presupuesto. 


Para apartar un curso la institución o el consorcio de institutiones debe haber pagado el 50% o el total del costo del curso mínimo con 2 semanas antes de la fecha de inicio del mismo. Reserve un curso contactando a Carlos Huerta en el correo

Instituciones Miembros de nuestras organizaciones aliadas reciben 10% de descuento.




Dr. Robert Coelen is Professor of Internationalisation of Higher Education at Stenden University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, and has an appointment as visiting professor at Tongji University, Shanghai, China. Prior to this appointment, he spent about 20 years as a university executive in Australia and the Netherlands concerned with internationalisation at James Cook University, The University of Queensland, Leiden University, and at Stenden University of Applied Sciences. He was interim Executive Dean at Stenden University Qatar. He was a member of the EAIE Executive Board and Editorial Committee. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Studies in International Education and regularly reviews papers for the Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education. He was the Founding President of EuroScholars, an initiative of 12 continental LERU universities. He was Chair of the Leiden University Global Ranking Symposia. He is the Founding Director of the Centre for Internationalisation of Education, a collaborative project of his university and the University of Groningen, Campus Fryslân.


Información de Pago

Depósito o Transferencia Electrónica Nacional (México / pesos)

Banco: Scotiabank Inverlat SA

Nombre en la cuenta: USMEXFUSION AC

RFC: USM131008F33

CLABE: 044670043065730108

Número de Cuenta: 04306573010

Importante: Ya que se haya hecho el pago, favor de mandarnos un email con un escaneo o captura de pantalla de los detalles del pago a



Transferencia Electrónica Internacional (pagos fuera de México son en US dólares)

Banco Beneficiario: Scotiabank Inverlat SA


ABBA: 21000021

Nombre en la cuenta: USMEXFUSION AC

Número de Cuenta: 04306573010

CLABE: 044670043065730108

Dirección: Blvd. Sto. Tomás 220 Edif. G6 Lomas del Mármol

Ciudad: Puebla

Estado: Puebla

Páis: México

Código Postal: 72574

Si se requiere información de Banco Intermediario: JP Morgan Chase Bank

New York, N.Y.


ABA 021000021

Importante: Ya que se haya hecho el pago, favor de mandarnos un email con un escaneo o captura de pantalla de los detalles del pago a


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