Intz. Strategic Diagnostic at UT Tehuacan, Puebla,MX. July 16-18, 2014

Posted on Jul 17, 2014 by Administrator

Intz. Strategic Diagnostic at UT Tehuacan, Puebla,MX. July 16-18, 2014


USMEXFUSION facilitated multiple internationalization workshops and SWOT analysis diagnostics at the Universidad Tecnológica de Tehuacán July 16-18th. They met with various sectors of the university including TSU (2-year) students, ING (4-year) students, administrators, PT faculty, and FT faculty. Previously, in January 2014, USMEXFUSION held a similar workshop with the middle managers and directors of UTT. These workshops were an excellent conduit for stimulating institutional dialog about internationalization and what it means to internationalize both comprehensively and strategically. As part of a thorough internationalization diagnostic of the campus, USMEXFUSION is also conducting graduate surveys and business & industry surveys for the university. The results from these diagnostic tools will assist USMEXFUSION and the key stakeholders at the university when they hold the Framework for Comprehensive Internationalization Workshop, utilizing CCID’s Spanish FCI tool, later this August.

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