Comprehensive Internationalization Workshop for UTs in Ags. at UT Norte de Aguascalientes - Ags.,Mexico - Oct. 1, 2014

Posted on Oct 2, 2014 by Administrator

Comprehensive Internationalization Workshop for UTs in Ags. at UT Norte de Aguascalientes - Ags.,Mexico - Oct. 1, 2014


“USMEXFUSION facilitated a comprehensive internationalization (CI) workshop for presidents, directors and middle managers at the Universidad Tecnológica del Norte de Aguascalientes (UTNA) on Wednesday, October 1st. All four UT’s from the state of Aguascalientes were represented. CCID member UTNA was the gracious host, with Mtra. Jovita, the rector of both UTNA & UT Calvillo, presiding over the event. UT El Retoño rector, Ing. Elva Patricia Saracho Martínez, also attended with her upper management team, as did MII Academic Dean Pablo de Jesús Medina Llamas, representing the UT Aguascalientes rector, Mtro. Jorge Armando Llamas Esparza. The workshop was an excellent conduit for stimulating institutional dialog about CI and what it means to internationalize both comprehensively and strategically. A CI-focused SWOT Analysis was conducted, intra and inter-institutional dialogs were held to reflect on the results of the SWOT Analysis. CCID’s System for CI (SCI) and CCID’s Spanish version of the Framework for CI (FCI) tool were introduced and discussed as a valuable means in the path to institutional CI. Dr. Donald R. Matthews, a CCID internationalization consultant and coach, helped USMEXFUSION kick off the event with some words of wisdom via Skype from the United States about CI and the importance it holds for higher education institutions around the world.”

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