Framework for Comprehensive Internationalization CCID
Category Si3 English Date 2016-01-12 10:44:40 3148 Views
Community Colleges for International Development Inc. or CCID, is a global network of community, technical and vocational institutions, dedicated to creating globally engaged learning environments. CCID promotes students success and helps campuses build capacity in the following ways:
Campus Internationalization
Partnership development
Education abroad
International student recruitment
Offering Resources & professional development
CCID was founded in 1976 and has been working on international initiatives for almost 40 years now. The consortium currently has over 170 member institutions worldwide.
CCID is committed to providing its member colleges with tools that can help institutions establish a baseline of activity and goals for improvement in the field of campus internationalization. In 2013, the consortium created a Framework for Comprehensive Internationalization. This valuable tool is the result of several collaborative workshops between Senior International Officers from multiple member institutions as well as research in the area of comprehensive internationalization.
This framework was translated into Spanish by USMEXFUSION and has been shared with more than 40 HEIs in Mexico.
This tool is a rubric that seeks to establish an institutional internationalization profile by providing descriptions of institutional stages of development. There are broad categories that are broken down into more specific subcategories. The institutional stages of development are No Activity, Seeking, Building, Reaching and Innovating.
The framework contains 10 categories of comprehensive internationalization, each with subcategories and the institutional development stages for each.
The categories are
It does not contain a category for RESEARCH since the Framework was created for community, technical and vocational institutions. Research is not a substantive activity for these kinds of institutions. There is more information on indicators related to research on USMEXFUSION’s Si3 webpage.
When an institution is finished using this framework, it will have a base profile of strengths and opportunities that can be used to easily establish institutional goals.
You can download the Spanish version of the Framework for Comprehensive Internationalization on USMEXFUSION’s Si3 webpage. If you would like to request a copy of the English version of the CCID´s Framework for Comprehensive Internationalization, please contact CCID directly.
USMEXFUSION would like to thank CCID for allowing us to share the Spanish version of this valuable tool with the higher education community of Spanish speaking countries worldwide.
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