Si3 Institution and Community Diagnostics




Institution and Community Diagnostics

 for Institutional Comprehensive Internationalization


When an institution decides to work toward institutional comprehensive internationalization, it is very important to carry out diagnostics that will generate evidence to support and validate the process.

In Si3, we suggest that institutions complete three diagnostics:

  • SWOT Workshops (in person)

  • Student & Alumni Study (online)

  • Business & Industry Study (online)




SWOT Workshops (in person)

with every sector of the institution


It is necessary to know the current condition (in terms of comprehensive internationalization) of the institution through studying the various perspectives of different sectors, and to take these views into account when designing a strategic plan for the institution.


  • Characterize the key elements that relate to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the comprehensive internationalization of the institution

  • Suggest key concepts related to comprehensive internationalization to be included in the mission, vision and values statements of the institution.



This study should take into consideration the opinions of the president, executive leaders, middle managers, faculty, staff, and students in a representative/proportional manner.

It is advised that the sample sizes for every sector are calculated with a 90% trust and 10% error levels.



Institutions are free and welcome to use the following open access questionnaire created by USMEXFUSION.

Note: We do not intend to impose the definition of internationalization used in this instrument. It is highly recommended that each institution creates their own definition of internationalization that will guide their institutional efforts, plans, programs and activities. 

Download the instrument here:



Recommended Procedure to administer the instrument:

  • For the president: The president fills out the SWOT instrument without taking part in a workshop.

  • For executive leaders and middle managers: SWOT workshop

  • For instructors, students and staff: SWOT workshops


SWOT Workshop Agenda


  1. Welcome (Explain workshop objective.)

  2. Watch Videos

  3. Completion of the SWOT instrument (individual work)

  4. Synthesis Exercise (Form small groups. The members of each group compare responses for each section of the instrument. Each group must agree upon the top 3 most important points for each section, and write the answers on a poster.

  5. Plenary (One person from each small group reports back to all workshop participants.)

  6. Wrap-Up (Thank participants for their participation and their valuable feedback for the institution.)



Presentation of Findings


  • Integrated SWOT results

  • Summary graphs







Student & Alumni Study (online)


It is necessary to know the opinion that students & alumni have in relation to global learning, the internationalization of the institution, and global competencies in the workplace.



  • To know the perception that students & alumni have about global learning and global competencies, both as students & employees.

  • To understand the perceived opinion of students & alumni in relation to the international and intercultural dimensions of the institution.


The purpose of this graduate study is fivefold:

  1. To understand the importance of global competencies for students & alumni.

  2. To understand their perception of global learning.

  3. To understand their interest in global learning.

  4. To understand the international and intercultural dimensions of the institution from their point of view.

  5. To understand three aspects in relation to global competencies:

    • To what extent they feel they possess these competencies.

    • To what extent they feel the institution helped them develop these competencies.

    • To what extent they use/need these skills in their current job, if they are working.



It is advised that current students and the last three generations of alumni are surveyed.



Institutions are free and welcome to use the following open access questionnaire created by USMEXFUSION.

Note: Institutions are free to use the definitions of global competencies and global learning used in this instrument OR use their own definitions of these terms. 

Download the instrument here:

Materials Needed:

  • an online survey platform to administer the questionnaire

  • a tool in which to calculate the sample sizes needed (It is advised that the sample sizes are calculated with 90% trust and 10% error levels.)


Presentation of findings:

  • Executive Summary

  • Graphs




Business & Industry Study (online)


It is necessary to understand the opinions that your business and industry contacts have in relation to the importance of global competencies at work, and how important they consider it to be that your institution works on comprehensive internationalization.



  • To understand how global competencies are valued by your business & industry contacts.

  • To find out how important it is for them that your institution works on comprehensive internationalization.


The purpose of this business & industry study is twofold:

  1. To understand how your business & industry contacts value certain global competencies in their employees.

  2. To understand how interested they are that your institution advances in internationalization.



It is advised that all of the college/university B&I contacts are surveyed.




Institutions are free and welcome to use the following open access questionnaire created by USMEXFUSION.

Note: Institutions are free to use the definitions of internationalization and global competencies used in this instrument OR use their own definitions of these terms. 

Download the instrument here:

Materials Needed:

  • an online survey platform to administer the questionnaire

  • a tool in which to calculate the sample sizes needed (It is advised that the sample sizes are calculated with 90% trust and 10% error levels.)


Presentation of Findings:

  • Executive Summary

  • Graphs





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